Bang PD nim clinks his beer glass with SM. "You were right!" Utters Bang PD, lifting his glass in SM's direction. SM chugs his beer. Of course he was. "The rat put the bois out the second he got wind of my bois." Bang PD nim exclaims, disbelief evident in his voice. "What are they called? Lunch Box?" SM sneers. A rare occurence. He rarely shows his emotions. But he had done his job so well. It called for a little emotions on the face. SM recalls an encounter, sometime back, in that very same spot in The Gangnam Bar in an evening like this. "Are you sure it's a good idea to debut Treasure Box bois with T-REX? " YG had been sceptical. SM had nodded with absolute confidence. "Positive." He had assured. "Fangirls love competing with other fandoms for their oppars. It's gonna be good buzz for Treasure Box. " It wasn't. And he had known it with perfect clarity, when he had said it. TXT was too big. Tr...