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Jenkai & YG & SM ft Dispatch


SM's hand shoots to the back of  his head. Something sharp and small had hit him. And it hurt! 

Rubbing the back of his head, SM turns behind to see what blasted thing had hit him. And stops abruptly as he comes face to face with a hyperventilating YG whose facial features are distorted in red hot anger. A bowl of nuts lies next to him on the counter top of the Gangnam Bar and a curious bartender peeks over the counter curiously at YG & SM! Nobody nobody touches his nuts! 

"I hate you! " YG states heatedly at SM, folding another nut in his hand. His chest heaves up and down fast. For a split second SM feels worried. If YG somehow goes in to cardiac arrest right here right now, he'd have to be a witness. And all the trouble that comes with it.... paperwork... and stuff.... ugh. SM shivers. 

"I hate you" YG states again. "You and those good for nothing pretty faced lil bastards that you call EXO!" He spits angrily, thrusting a menacing finger in SM's face who looks unfazed, much to the chagrin of YG. 

SM stares at the ticking time bomb that is YG. He's about to go off soon. The faster he can scoot from this whole thing, the better. 

"My baby!" YG says in a teeny voice. His lower lip quivers and a lone tear gleams in his right eye. "That good for nothing lil bugger ruined my baby! " 

SM snorts. Baby? Please. She was frolicking with a dude all over Paris just two months ago. 

"She was my gem. My star. " YG is nearly sobbing now. "And you took her from me! " He sobs & slurps the saliva that drools out. 

SM stares at this slobbering mess of a man. And for a fraction of a second he feels sorry. However it's not fair this bugger is taking out all his anger on him. It wasn't like he asked Kai to seduce Jennie. He merely slipped the tip to Dispatch about the two! 

"I protected them-" YG slurps. "All four of em-" He slurps again. "like a hound guarding his caged hens from the beastly foxes. " He blabbers on. "How did this happen?" YG launches in to a full blown wail. The nut folded in his hand drops to the floor and rolls away. 

SM turns to leave, a sly smile spreading across his face. Well, guess YG wasn't counting on the hens to open the latch from inside the cage when the hound wasn't watching. His foxes were only too happy to oblige. Not one but four of em!

SM kicks YG's nut on the floor as he leaves him to his sobbing. 


SM looks up at Dispatch, gratitude evident in his eyes. 

"Thanks" He says. 

"Always. " Dispatch replies smiling fondly. 

SM leaves Dispatch in the dark & comes out of the shadows outside the Gangnam Bar. He starts jogging towards his car. 

EXO & NCT will be relevant again! 


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