YG turns the thing in his hand & observes it with disdain.
"It looks a lil... " He fishes for the right word. "plain" He finishes & puts Red Velvet lightstick down.
JYP rolls his eyes. "Says the one who gave a sex toy to their girls"
"At least nobody's gonna mistaken it for a candy & try to eat it. " Says YG heatedly. "Also it makes sound too."
YG & JYP stare at each other venomously for few seconds. Finally JYP breaks the stare.
"I'm telling you SM, you need to get rid of the clowns who designed this unflattering mess. "JYP says. "I can take a better design outta my a$$ in my sleep. And I can barely write much less draw. "
YG nods in agreement.
"I designed it myself. " SM utters slowly in a low voice.
YG & JYP immediately look sombre.
After few awkward moments YG sums up the courage to break the ice.
"I gotta say, it's nice that you finally gave em a lightstick. "
"I didn't -"
"Whatchu mean-"
"They took it from me-"
"What? -"
"They bombarded me one-day at night in office with the crossbow from PAB & shotgun from Bad Boy & held me hostage for an hour till I dug up my design for the next SM boy group & added RV logo to it. " Finishes SM & gulps his whisky in one go.
JYP & YG stare at SM open mouthed.
"You know, the shotgun & crossbow were props & wouldn't have hurt-"
"SAY THAT TO THE RED PATCH ON MY A$$" SM shouts angrily.
"It looks a lil... " He fishes for the right word. "plain" He finishes & puts Red Velvet lightstick down.
JYP rolls his eyes. "Says the one who gave a sex toy to their girls"
"At least nobody's gonna mistaken it for a candy & try to eat it. " Says YG heatedly. "Also it makes sound too."
YG & JYP stare at each other venomously for few seconds. Finally JYP breaks the stare.
"I'm telling you SM, you need to get rid of the clowns who designed this unflattering mess. "JYP says. "I can take a better design outta my a$$ in my sleep. And I can barely write much less draw. "
YG nods in agreement.
"I designed it myself. " SM utters slowly in a low voice.
YG & JYP immediately look sombre.
After few awkward moments YG sums up the courage to break the ice.
"I gotta say, it's nice that you finally gave em a lightstick. "
"I didn't -"
"Whatchu mean-"
"They took it from me-"
"What? -"
"They bombarded me one-day at night in office with the crossbow from PAB & shotgun from Bad Boy & held me hostage for an hour till I dug up my design for the next SM boy group & added RV logo to it. " Finishes SM & gulps his whisky in one go.
JYP & YG stare at SM open mouthed.
"You know, the shotgun & crossbow were props & wouldn't have hurt-"
"SAY THAT TO THE RED PATCH ON MY A$$" SM shouts angrily.
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