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LSM & Red Velvet

Lee Soo Man while sipping his evening tea made by his still experimental housekeeper robot (funded by SM), notices a twitter buzz. 

'Red Velvet's been trending on Melon & Naver for four consecutive days! ' Lee Soo Man exclaims & puts his mug down. 

He scrolls through all the tweets, reads up on Naver, goes on Melon & finally comes to an astonishing conclusion. 

'Ledeu Belbeteu is famous'

And the lil buggers - they call 'emselves 'Reveluvs'? - have been going absolute bonkers without a summer comeback! 

Astounding indeed. 

Lee Soo Man nim rings up NCT's prince manager. 

Manager answers after the 15 th ring. 

"We are giving em a solo concert" SooMan nim says in a no nonsense tone. That'll shut up the lil buggers. There's no way he's giving em a summer comeback now when Moonlight Angels are so close to debut. He doesn't want anybody stealing thunder from his new NGG. 

"So soon? Oh my gosh! oh my god I am so so happy. " Manager wails in to the phone happily. "They're not even two years old yet-" 

They aren't 2 years old yet? Lee Soo Man wonders a lil confused. He could of sworn he's seen the girls around for at least 3 years now! 

"-but they're already getting a soloconcert! Thank you Soo Man nim. Thank you. " Prince manager goes on. 

"Yes. Find the tiniest hall around. Pull out SNSD's old costumes. Let's give em a concert! " 

After a somewhat long pause, manager asks. 

"Who are we talking about, again? " Joy evaporated from his voice. 

"Red Velvet. Who else? " Soo Man nim answers. 

"Dam- why you askin me about Belbeteu? "

"Who else should I ask? "

"Their manager-"

"They have a manager-"

"Ofc they do you craz- yes they do"

"Fine. Gimme his number"

Manager hangs up.


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