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Cube & JYP

"Is your company still there? " JYP asks Cube PD nim, a smug look on his face.

SM, seated next to Cube PD nim for the past hour trynna brainstorm ways to help save the sinking Titanic that is Cube, raises an eyebrow at JYP. Geez, this insensitive bastard!

Cube PD nim looks up from his evening Gangnam Bar cocktail, shocked. Is he for real?

"It must suck to lose your one source of income. " JYP continues. "She was the breadwinner. "

"Look, if within the week you decide to sell the company, you have my number, right" States JYP with a wink at the Cube PD nim who's growing redder in the face by the second.

"This is kinda an unfortunate time for a lot of companies. " SM states, throwing a worried glance at the Cube PD. "Lot of companies screwing up. "

"I DID NOT SCREW UP. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL EVERYBODY" Comes through a loud voice from across the corner.

SM, JYP & Cube PD nim turn around.


SM turns back to the gang. Why are these people so dramatic?

"Righhhhtt?? So many people having bad luck & sinking faster than Titanic. " JYP continues the previous topic. "And then here I am. "Says he, pointing at himself  "rising & shining & reaching the top & dominating like a God. " He finishes, pride evident in his voice, face and everywhere else in his body.

Cube PD nim stares at him, a vein in his temple throbbing visibly.

"You know what, Cube PD nim, your situation actually taught me one fine lesson. "JYP states matter of factly. "I should start treating Suzy better."

"The other day Suzy came to me and demanded a separate team for her only, just like with Twice & i was like, 'Gurl, Twice are my cash machines now & your not. So run along & do whatever'. She looked upset. " Says JYP thoughtfully. "These old hags still do matter." JYP looks sullen suddenly.

SM quietly watches JYP babbling on. The fool really has no clue about the weight of the words he just uttered!

The next moment JYP brightens up.

"Hey at least I still got her!" He says cheerfully. "I'm not completely screwed like you" JYP says pointing at the red faced Cube PD nim.

SM slowly appraises the emotions flashing through Cube PD nim's face. He could literally see wheels spinning in his head, as his brain processes the possibilities lying ahead of him.

SM sips his cocktail quietly.

Well, somebody just dug his own grave.


SM sips the morning coffee while checking the news on the net.
"SM retakes number 1 spot as the biggest entertainment company as JYP plummets to the bottom. "


JYP stares open mouthed at a headline in morning KBS news.
"Cube - Hyuna leaves.
Suzy joins: will get her own team"

On JYP's lap, a tablet lies with the stock market live feed. On it side by side lies the JYP & Cube stocks feed. The first one shows a steep downward inclination while the latter shows a steep upward inclination.

JYP stays motionless.


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