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Ikon ,Blackpink & YG

YG scrolls down the page on his tab. Soooooo, Jun Hoe's hand written letter had about as much effect on netizens as a bowel gas that passed at midnight in sleep!

Members of his latest boy group have managed to score a scandal one after the other for the past 3 years since their inception. Why his precious boy groups do not keep their toes in line & dicks in their pants while his girl groups that he doesn't give a rat's arse about, never fail him, he doesn't understand. Perhaps too much love can spoil kids!

 Dazedly, YG starts counting the number of Ikon's scandals on his hand. It's when he realizes that he's half way through his next hand but still not done that he begins feeling grateful that IKON only has 7 members! Imagine if they had 18 members like NCT, he'd have to be a centepede!

A knock comes at the door and a head peeks inside.

"Who's that dude Jennie's seeing these days? "YG  asks Blackpink's manager before he manages to make his body follow his head in to YG's luxury office.

"Chanyeol? "Manager asks looking confused. This is what YG woke him up at 1.34 in the morning & asked him to come to his office in a rush for, to inquire about Jennie's love life?

"Nah. They broke up last month." The manager replies, feeling a lil confused. Everyone knows YG's lost it since Big Bang left for the army. "Said he was too tall for her. She's looking for someone she can stand next to and not look like his daughter. "

"Naah. "YG flicks his hand casually. "Not that one. I meant that BTS fella."

"The pretty one." YG goes on. "The one who's so pretty he fits right in Blackpink" He elaborates.

"Taehyung?" Asks the manager, sounding more confused by the second. "He's dating Irene though!"

YG turns his head sharply and looks up at the manager from his plush seat. "He's dating Irene? " Thunders YG.

"Then what the friggin hell was that boi doin with Jennie all these past months?"

Manager stays silent for a few seconds.

"But how would you even know that the boi been with Jennie? "

"My private investigator sent me the pics-"

"You set a private investigator on Blackpink? " Asks manager, disbelief evident in his voice. What a creep!

"Duh." YG gives a careless shrug. "I've set an investigator on each one of em. "

"How else would I know what they are up to every second of every single day? Ya know ya cant trust em females! Sneaky bunch they are " He finishes.

 The manager wipes his brow with an imaginary tissue. He's going blue in the face pretty fast.

"Why you askin all these?" Manager asks in a tiny voice.

"Oust em-"

"Who? "

"Jennie & the BTS fella. Contact Dispatch & hand over the pics from my private investigator"

"Why- "

"Cus we need a scapegoat to take the fall for Ikon's scandals! Somebody to steer away all this negative attention from em-"

"But what about Blackpink? They're gonn get buried alive by army-"

"Duh. Of course. We'll throw Jennie under the bus and then send the group on indefinite hiatus and then scrap em completely after 2 years-"

"But, why? They are your main source of income now-"

"They're a girl group-"

"-with Big Bang gone plus they're selling so well. They just scored the highest physical sales for a YG artist-"

"They're a girl group-"

"-ever and literally they're the breadwinners right now -"

"Still a girl group! "

Manager comes to an abrupt silence. He could get a better response by talking to a wall!

"Are you new?" YG asks, looking thoughtful, his eyes narrowed. "Come to think of it, I hadn't seen you about before I made you handle Blackpink 2 years ago. "

The manager who is already half-way out the door, stops in his tracks.

"I was Lee Hi's manager for 4 years before that. "Manager states flatly. "I was keeping her company  in the dungeon. "

YG continues to to stare at the manager with narrowed eyes.


Manager slams the door behind him.


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