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Ikon, Their Daesang & YG

SM hands JYP the martini one evening at the Gangnam Bar. He had paid for it, not because he was feeling generous or warm or fuzzy inside, but cus the lil bugger had been looking down since the MMAs where Twice hadn't managed to score yet another SOTY Daesang that they didn't deserve and SM had had enough of parading a long faced JYP around the Bar. He wanted the bugger to go back to his useless boring self. He was more tolerable that way!

JYP takes the martini with both hands, with such fervor that one would show if they were holding a priceless relic. His eyes shimmer and his face glows. 'Oppa is being nice.' He giggles internally like a middle school girl.

SM takes his own martini and starts towards a table located in one secluded corner of the bar with JYP in tow. They're getting wasted on expensive drinks tonight.

Two steps down the path, SM comes to a sudden halt causing JYP to bump in to SM. JYP takes his time peeling himself off of SM who's now staring across the bar at something.

JYP follows SM's line of vision and spots YG sitting at a table directly in their path to their own table. All alone. Looking glum and miserable.


This sorry lil nugget decided to show up in the bar TODAY, of all days? JYP fumes silently. He is NOT sharing SM with that clown. Not today!

After few seconds of contemplating whether to turn in the opposite direction or not, SM starts in YG's direction, his steps faltering. JYP stares at SM desperately, his dreams scattered & lying on the floor around him. If he could, he'd cling to SM & say 'Oppa don't go!'. But the night has already been ruined irreversibly. JYP sighs & starts after
 SM. At least he'd still get to be with him, even though it means sharing him with another man.

"What's up?" SM asks slipping in to the chair opposite YG, silently wishing he could be anywhere but here.

YG looks up at SM. As if in a trance he sighs and goes back to looking miserable again.

"Yo, what's wrong? "JYP asks from his perch next to YG. "We haven't got all day" He murmurs to himself. A teeny hope lingering in the corner of his mind, perhaps he could still salvage rest of the night & run away with SM.

YG sighs again and looks up. This time he seems to really notice the duo sitting opposite him.

"Ikon won a Daesang. " Says YG gloomily. And heaves heavily.

"So? " SM asks, not sounding surprised. It's YG. Only an arse like that can find a negative in his own group winning a major award.

"So? "YG retorts, sounding irritated the other isn't seeing the obvious. "So, Ikon are no longer flops! " He states matter of factly. "Duh."

"And why is that even a problem? " JYP asks heatedly. Look at this clown complaining about his own group winning a much deserved prestige award when his own group was left to dry. He'd give an eye and a kidney to be in YG's position right now!

"It is a problem cus now I have to actually debut YG's Treasure Box! " YG fires back at JYP. "Can you even begin to understand what a tedious task that is?"

"Whatchu mean your gonna have to debut them NOW?" JYP asks heatedly. "Weren't you gonna debut them in the first place? "JYP continues, feeling stupid and not liking it one bit. "And besides what does that have to do with Ikon anyways? " JYP finishes.

From the side, SM watches calmly. Of course YG wasn't gonna debut The Jewellery Box. Or whatever. After the catastrophe that was Mix Nine, only a completely naive idiot - like JYP - would ever think he's ever gonna debut The Box.

"Debut them?" YG fires back at JYP. "Why would I even dream of  doing THAT?" He goes on. "What good does it do to me if they debut? You think I keep making these shows cus I wanna put out some pre-pubscent boi groups?" He scoffs. These idiots. He can't believe how naive they're. "I keep making these shows cus I wanna pamper my vanity. I wanna feel superior and wave that idol dream in these kids faces and take em away later to make em feel like the losers they're" He finishes with his chest puffed out and his voice sounding superior and a malicious gleam in his eyes.

JYP and SM stare silently. Subtle shock evident on both faces.

"But what does that have to do with Ikon anyway? " JYP asks again quietly. YG is scaring him.

YG's chest immediately collapses and his face assumes the original gloom.

"You know what I told the companies of those lil brats who made the final cut of Mix Nine, when they wanted to debut? "YG begins wearily. "I told em 'Yo look at Ikon. They came from a flop reality show just like your kids. And look where they're now. You think Korea gives a $hit about em? Well, they don't. They are still FLOPS. "YG carries on. "So, let's do your kids some good & scrap this debut. Let em go to college & get a proper job instead of starving in to sticks for nothing in the end."

SM & JYP stay motionless.

"And now what am I gonna say to the companies of The Treasure Box brats when they wanna debut? "YG launches in to a high pitched wail. "Ikon are no longer flopsss. " He sobs. "WHAT AM I GONNA SAY? "

SM sips his martini quietly.

"You know, you can always mention Winner"


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