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SM,YG, JYP as females

SM takes out the lipstick from her latest Gucci handbag, one evening at the plush rest room of the Gangnam Bar.

"Oh. My. Gaash. Is dat-" Exclaims YG who's been caking make up on her own face for the past half an hour. "-THE Matte lip laquer from Etude House? " She finishes, her mouth perfectly oval & her voice posh. "Ooooo"

"Yup. "SM replies, equally posh "Seulgi's shade." Says SM matter of factly & begins applying the bright red lip lacquer on her plump - courtesy of
yesterday's HA fillers from the Gangnam Beauty Clinic- lips.

YG watches as the stick runs along the pouty lips of SM. The red color contouring the soft flesh perfectly, making em look sensual. It's just so alluring to watch.....


"Gurrl, you look fab! " YG overcomes her dilemma & squeals in excitement -faked of course cus her female heart is brimming with jealousy. How dare she look so glamorous?

"Oh. Thanks boo. "SM replies ,closing the lid of the lipstick & shoving it in the bag. "You been lookin great too. That make-up  really makes you look good"


"-I wish I looked as fab as you in your age! -"

"M-my age?-"

"Yes. You don't look fifty plus at all. At best you look 45-"

"But I'm 38!"

"Oh! -" SM stops abruptly. Ouch.
 Wait. So she's younger than her? Dayumm. She needs to moisturize!

A lone figure waddles in to the bathroom & drops her purse on the counter.

"Oh. Baby. Jesus. What in the world happened to you? "YG asks JYP who's now staring at the mirror dejectedly.

"What? "JYP replies with no real interest in anything beside her own changing physique, apparent in the mirror.

"You look like you gained ten pounds since I last saw you which was like... yesterday" Exclaims YG, poshly.

"Ya know I'm pregnant-"

"Yeah. You look bloated. And those circles under the eyes! Ugh. Have you been retaining water ?-" Adds SM.

"I'm pregnant-"

"Look at your color JYP. I think you really need Matte Lip Lacquer & a complete makeover-" Continues JYP.

"I'm preggers & due in Feb-"

"Oh btw. " Begins SM cheerfully. "We are playing beer pong tonight with Bang Si Hyuk oppa. Will you be joining too? -"

"I AM PREGNANT YOU STUPID COWS" Squeals JYP maniacally & jumps on to the two irritating women & grabs the Matte Lip Lacquer.


On lookers later suggested SM was seeing fleeing the bar followed closely by a very disturbed YG,  with their clothes wet & their faces flushed. It looked like they washed their frocks cus something stained em.

Word around the bar was, they peed themselves! Why & how it happened, nobody had a clue.

Following day, an almost finished lipstick was found by the cleaning lady. It was a good shade so she kept it for herself. She could use whatever was left of it which btw looked like it was bitten by a dog .
But who cares!


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