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How YG taught Dispatch a lesson!

SM drinks his Sunday evening martini in peace.

What an eventful week this has been? From one scandal to the next and all ending with the man stepping down.

He hasn't seen YG all week. Mind you, he doesn't intend to either. He's prolly locked himself up with an endless supply of weed from Han Seo Hee & smoking in self pity.

He hadn't seen JYP either. All week. And he doesn't intend to either. He's prolly locked himself in his new office & writing another shit song for Twice.

That left him all on his own in the Gangnam Bar drinking his martini alone in his much deserved peace.

"Oh golly" Dispatch plops in to the seat opposite SM with a heavy thud. "Does it feel great to be out & about at last!" He sighs happily.

He had been getting tired watching over his shoulder the past week in fear of YG pulling off something drastic. But so far it has been quiet.

Quiet before the storm.

Nonsense. Dispatch pushes the thought aside

SM eyes Dispatch in reverence.

This is the man who single handedly brought YG to his knees & exposed his 'Club Bang' & 'DrugKon'!

"How's he holding up? " Dispatch asks.

"Who? " SM says tho he knows exactly who he's referring to.

"YG of course"

"Oh he." SM begins. "He's just the usual self." SM adds. "Level headed, rational & cool."

SM & Dispatch stare at each other for a tenth of a second.

And they both burst out laughing, their table shaking with the force of their laughter.

Dispatch wipes a tear from his eye.

SM is funny sometimes.


A week later

A man in a prim suit knocks on Dispatch's office door. A fast perspiration starting to break out across his face.

He enters on Dispatch's command.

"Sajagnim, turns out I Am The King Corporation, Hotel Invincible, Sunshine Yang Group & Cherub Suk Brothers are all shell companies owned by one person." He pants & dabs at his forehead.

 "And collectively these companies own 28.4% of our shares. The highest by any." He breathes painfully. "Higher than you!" He whispers.

Dispatch stares at the weakling before him, the room beginning to spin around him.

"Who- who is it?" Dispatch asks in a thin voice. "Who is that person?" This cannot be happening.

"Yan- Yang Hyun Suk" The weakling replies slowly & watches all blood drain from his boss' face.

"What does this mean?" Dispatch utters feebly as all his gastric contents threaten to come out from either end.

The doors to the office open with a bang.

And in struts YG looking a Vicoria Secret model on the ramp and stops in front of Dispatch's desk, who's eyeballs are nearly falling out of their sockets.

"It means" YG begins hautily. "that I'm your boss." He finishes, nose in the air & one hand on the hip. "Bitch."

Let's see how Dispatch is gonna expose his shady a$$ & his equally shady artists now!

YG smiles to himself as he admires his fresh manicure and Dispatch rolls to the ground with a thud.


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