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SuperM and it's members

"So there's seven of us? " Taemin asks.


He looks at SM suspiciously. "Are you trynna replicate BTS? "

Of course he is. "Am not. " SM replies, deadpanned.

Taemin looks at SM thoughtfully. He doesn't trust the man.

"It's pathetic to be honest. "Taemin replies. "Nobody can re-create a BTS"

"I'm not doing it. "Taemin stands his ground. He's not getting on board the Titanic that is SuperM.

"I heard you are in a romantic relationship" SM says nonchalantly. "With Kai. "

Taemin goes pale. His swag vanished. "Wha-" He swallows. "We are not dating!"

"Really?" SM replies calmly. "Some of the pics looked pretty intimate though"

"Like that one with your hand in his crotch-"

"Fine. I'll do it. "Taemin snaps. This son of a b*itch.


"A group?" Kai exclaims. "I don't wanna be in ANOTHER group! " He can't belib this.

"I wanna shine solo. Give me more solo. "

SM looks at Kai calmly.

"So you won't do it? " He asks.

"Um" Kai stutters. "I guess no. " He shrugs. "I'm not interested in group stuff anymore. "

"Are you fooling around with Jennie again? "SM asks Kai looking directly in the eyes.

"Wha-what?" Kai sputters. "Of cours-of course not. " A bead of quiet sweat forming in his forehead.

"Pics suggest otherwise. " SM says calmly. He could feel Kai crumpling underneath his gaze.

"Well, we already had a dating scandal! " Kai says stubbornly, his chin stuck out. "So go ahead and leak em. They won't matter. "

"They will. " SM can almost palpate his impending victory. "To Taemin. "

Kai stares at SM looking like a ghost.

"Fine. I'll do it. " He says finally.


"But I just graduated from Dream. " Mark exclaims looking astounded. "I can't do another group. I'm already in two groups!"

"It's either SuperM or Dream again. " SM says calmly. "Your choice!"

Mark's eyeballs nearly jump outta their sockets. "But I just GRADUATED from Dream!"

"I can un-graduate you. " SM snaps his fingers. "As easy as that. "

Mark stares at SM for a full minute.

"Fine. SuperM it is then. "


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