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Big Hut, YG, JYP won't be able to escape the YouTube policy change

Bang PD nim takes a long drag of his joint and lets the fumes come out of his nose, letting his nasal hair get singed.

"I hate YouTube. Ma bois TXT be lookin like clowns" He utters & passes the joint to YG. "There's barely any views on Run Away MV!" He squeals in agony.

"There goes ma girls' relevance!" YG takes a drag from the joint. "Queens of YouTube no more" He passes the joint.

JYP takes the joint from YG. "Twice had long lost their YouTube relevance." He states. "Or any relevance for that matter" He finishes, giggling like a lovesick teenage girl.

Bang PD nim takes the joint from JYP.
"All dat money I spent on making dat damn MV." He takes a drag. " How am I ever gonna earn dat money back! Its not like TXT earn anything beside YouTube cash!" He launches in to a wail.

"YouTube was the only way my girls could surpass BTS. " YG utters looking distraught. "Now its gone!" He squeals. "How am I ever gonna use the on-a-whole-other-level hashtag now?"

"Come to think of it, Twice has been declining on the charts!" JYP says taking a drag. "When was the last time they were number one on Lemon?"

"It was the only bragging rights MOA had." Bang PD utters, fumes singeing his nasal hair again. "MOA can't brag about sales." He pauses for effect. "Cus they sell mundane." He pauses again. "And they sure as hell can't brag about charting, cus they DON'T CHART!" He squeals.

"You know what-" YG starts after taking a drag from the joint. "- now dat Blackpink won't be getting anywhere on YouTube, there's no use for em." He utters. "I should disband em." He finishes looking thoughtful.

JYP takes the joint from YG. "When exactly was the last time they were number one on Lemon?" JYP asks out loud, squinting his eyes & thinking hard, his mind point blank.


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