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How Big hut came to buy SouMu instead of Cube

YG throws open the door to his office room & is startled by a muffled cry from between the door and the wall.

When he pulls the door and peers behind it, it's his turn to squeal. What in the-

"What the hell are you doing here?" YG squeals at JYP, plastered to the wall of his office, trying to look as flat as possible.

"I'm hiding." JYP whispers looking about YG nervously.

"In my office?" YG squints his eyes in a valiant effort to comprehend the unfolding scenario. "In the middle of the night?"

"It's six thirty in the evening!" JYP forgets his woes for a full second & stares at YG confused.

"Anyways Bang PD is out to get me." JYP squeals in distress as he turns the color of the wall behind him, a cockroach white.

"Boi that's bad." YG replies. Then in a conspiratorial tone he adds, "I heard he's vicious!"

In the following split second a terrifying thought enters YG's mind. And a shiver runs down the length of his spine.

"You didn't tell him that I was the one who complained to YouTube about em bot views-" YG begins in a panicked tone. "-and made em take down those 98M views on On MV, right?" He finishes looking distressed.

JYP stares at YG. "You complained to YouTube about On bot views?" He utters, disbelief evident in his voice.

Next second, JYP regains his composure. "Anyways, Bang PD nim is pissed cus I was the one who convinced him to buy SouMu."

YG gasps dramatically & covers his mouth with his hand. "No way." He squeals. "Why would you do that? Gfriend are such flops!"

"Well, Bang PD was lookin to buy either Cube or SouMu but he was leaning more towards Cube, cus he thought Idle looked more promising." JYP begins explaining rapidly. "But then, when I stopped by SM one day to try & convince Lami & Koeun to leave the NGG-"

"You convinced Lami & Koeun to leave? -"

"NOT THE POINT BEING MADE HERE!" JYP snaps at YG, who shuts up immediately. "Anyways, that day I sneaked in to SM office to peak at his NGG schematics & I overheard him talking on the phone with Cube PD. " JYP utters almost breathless.

"From what I gathered, Cube PD wanted to borrow SM's expertise on laundering money to an offshore shell account. Apparently he was gonna dissappear with his money & leave Cube to bankruptcy! "

"When I relayed the news to Bang PD, he went ahead & bought SouMu instead." JYP finishes breathlessly. "Three months later,  Cube is still standing & Idle is thriving. Meanwhile Gfriend is bleeding big hit funds. So Bang PD nim is out for my blood." JYP finishes weakly & slides limply to the floor like a rag doll.

YG stares down at his pitiful friend, his features worried. Horrid images of JYP using his plush office as his dwelling cross his mind. He desperately hopes Bang PD would hurry & catch JYP!


SM twirls the martini in his hand, seated in a corner at the Gangnam Bar & thinks back to that day when he saw JYP's sorry a$$ hiding under his office desk.

His sources had conveyed what happened at the trainee practice rooms, before Lami & Koeun had time to even process what JYP had said to them. And he knew all about Big Hit's probable acquisition & JYP's role as the middleman. He had simply decided to return the favor.

In his office, he had whipped out his phone & had a perfectly imaginary conversation with the Cube PD. The clown had gobbled down every bit of non existent info & relayed it to Bang PD. Three months later, here they're.

SM twirls the liquid again. What a wonderful evening it is!


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