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Showing posts from October, 2018

Cube & JYP

"Is your company still there? " JYP asks Cube PD nim, a smug look on his face. SM, seated next to Cube PD nim for the past hour trynna brainstorm ways to help save the sinking Titanic that is Cube, raises an eyebrow at JYP. Geez, this insensitive bastard! Cube PD nim looks up from his evening Gangnam Bar cocktail, shocked. Is he for real? "It must suck to lose your one source of income. " JYP continues. "She was the breadwinner. " "Look, if within the week you decide to sell the company, you have my number, right" States JYP with a wink at the Cube PD nim who's growing redder in the face by the second. "This is kinda an unfortunate time for a lot of companies. " SM states, throwing a worried glance at the Cube PD. "Lot of companies screwing up. " "I DID NOT SCREW UP. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL EVERYBODY" Comes through a loud voice from across the corner. SM, JYP & Cube PD nim turn around. ...

Ikon ,Blackpink & YG

YG scrolls down the page on his tab. Soooooo, Jun Hoe's hand written letter had about as much effect on netizens as a bowel gas that passed at midnight in sleep! Members of his latest boy group have managed to score a scandal one after the other for the past 3 years since their inception. Why his precious boy groups do not keep their toes in line & dicks in their pants while his girl groups that he doesn't give a rat's arse about, never fail him, he doesn't understand. Perhaps too much love can spoil kids!  Dazedly, YG starts counting the number of Ikon's scandals on his hand. It's when he realizes that he's half way through his next hand but still not done that he begins feeling grateful that IKON only has 7 members! Imagine if they had 18 members like NCT, he'd have to be a centepede! A knock comes at the door and a head peeks inside. "Who's that dude Jennie's seeing these days? "YG  asks Blackpink's manager before he ...

The Sumo Match

JYP tugs YG's loincloth and tries to topple him over but fails. His chicken legs give way under YG's superior weight. The man weighs like the stubby piglet he looks like. The duo are wrapped around each other's torsos that evening at The Gangnam Bar, stark naked except for the loincloths that were once their crisply ironed shirts. The bar which had been converted in to an impromptu sumo wrestling ground is filled with cheering Gangnam elites. "At least she HAD A CHANCE TO DEBUT, UNDER ME" JYP utters through gritted teeth while struggling to prevent YG from yanking his feet and slapping him on the ground like a dead leaf. Gosh, the man is strong. "Yeah? When? In a decade? Cus I DIDN'T SEE HER NAME ON THE LIST OF YOUR FRIGGIN NGG CANDIDATES!" Roars YG, yanks from one of JYP's scrawny thighs and brings him to the ground. JYP hanging on to YG's loincloth for dear life, pulls YG to the ground with him. The two of them lie on the ground p...