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Showing posts from August, 2018

When JYP becomes #1 K-Pop company

"Fuck" SM curses under his breath. He had spotted YG and JYP sitting at a far corner at the Gangnam bar one evening. He had forgotten Alice's b'day. Completely. He was gonna send a boquet of pink Chrysanthemums - her favorite flowers - and a mega box of deboned tuna - her favorite fish - but he just forgot. SM rubs his brow wearily. He's not ready to meet JYP's dramatic wrath. Better stay off the clown's radar tonight. --------------- "Do you think he saw us? " JYP asks YG tensely. He sounds almost scared. "I don't think so." Replies YG sounding equally tense. "He looks so upset though" Adds YG , taking a peak at the visibly troubled SM "Yeah. It must be so hard for him. Imagine being the top for two decades and suddenly going down to second spot. " Says JYP, his voice dripping with pride and excitement. He's glowing tonight. YG let's out a poorly concealed grunt. How could SM let th...

JYP explains why Somi left

"Pssst" SM stops in his tracks abruptly one Monday evening at The Gangnam Bar, with a martini in his hand. Did somebody psst him? "Pssst" He turns & stares at a dark alcove. Probably where the sound came from. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he begins seeing the silhouette of a man he knows well. Unfortunately. SM suppresses a sigh. "I'm hiding" Whispers YG. "I can see that. " SM utters calmly.  This is gonna be one loooong night. "You do?" YG asks sounding surprised and then abruptly changes his voice to a whisper. "Have you seen him? " "Who? " Asks SM. He has a sneaking suspicion who he's referring to. These two must be soulmates. "JYP of course. Have you seen him? " YG asks agitatedly. "I haven't. Why?" Says SM, his patience evaporating fast. "I did something dumb. " YG says sheepishly. "Why am I not surprised? " Says SM. For...

Twice BDZ

"Congratulations" Bang PD nim says & takes another sip of his martini one evening at the Gangnam bar. "For what? " asks the confused JYP. He really is khunfused. "For moving on from cute concepts. " Says the Bang PD nim casually. "Finally" He mutters under his breath with a sigh of  great relief like one would experience when peeing after having a full bladder for 36 hours. "Oh that" JYP says and gives a casual flick of his hand. PD nim is in for a surprise. JYP sips his martini quietly. --------------- "He makin his girls invade ma girls' territory, ya know" YG says moodily, looking across the bar @ JYP drinking with Bang PD nim. "Whatchu yammering on about? " Asks SM calmly. "Ya know. BDZ. It's girl crush. " YG says, his tone close to a wail. SM casually regards the disturbed man and glances across at JYP. It's not like he never wonders how these two clowns ended up...

Red Velvet gets their lightstick

YG turns the thing in his hand & observes it with disdain. "It looks a lil... " He fishes for the right word. "plain" He finishes & puts Red Velvet lightstick down. JYP rolls his eyes. "Says the one who gave a sex toy to their girls" "At least nobody's gonna mistaken it for a candy & try to eat it. " Says YG heatedly. "Also it makes sound too." YG & JYP stare at each other venomously for few seconds. Finally JYP breaks the stare. "I'm telling you SM, you need to get rid of the clowns who designed this unflattering mess. "JYP says. "I can take a better design outta my a$$ in my sleep. And I can barely write much less draw. " YG nods in agreement. "I designed it myself. " SM utters slowly in a low voice. YG & JYP immediately look sombre. After few awkward moments YG sums up the courage to break the ice. "I gotta say, it's nice that you finally gave em a...

LSM & Red Velvet

Lee  S oo Man while sipping his evening tea made by his still experimental housekeeper robot  (funded by SM), notices a twitter buzz.  'Red Velvet's been trendin g on Melon & Naver for four consecutive days! ' Lee Soo Man exclaims & puts his mug down.  He scrolls through all the tweets, reads up on Naver, goes on Melon & finally comes to an astonishing conclusion.  'Ledeu Belbeteu is famous' And the lil buggers - they call 'em selves 'Reveluvs'? - have been going absolute bonkers without a summer come back!  Astounding indeed.  Lee Soo Man nim rings up NCT's prince manager.  Manager answers after the 15 th ri ng.  "We are giving em a solo concert" Soo Man nim says in a no nonsense tone. That'll shut up the lil buggers. There's n o way he's giving em a summer comeback now when Moonlight Angels are so cl ose to debut. He doesn't want anybody stealing thunder from his new NGG.  "So soon? Oh my gosh! oh my go d ...

What goes down @ The Gangnam Bar, after JYP becomes the 2nd richest in stocks

"You look a lil down today" Observes SM looking at the deflated YG sitting with his hand on his chin & staring ahead, sighing constantly. In response, YG makes an incoherent statement & goes back to looking moody. Suddenly, his eyes look ablaze as a figure approaches the two of them, carrying the martini the bartender had provided. "Hello losersss" JYP utters cheerfully in an awkwardly high pitched tone! YG gives a gutteral growl & turns his back to him, rather dramatically. JYP scrunches his nose with distaste towards this obviously salty behavior. "You know what YG, I'm so sick of your salty arse." Begins JYP. "It's not like I asked you to hide your girls in the dungeon or whatever" "I tried being nice about all the crank calls today at the office but honestly, hiding a paint bomb in the congratulatory flower bouquet, I mean seriously? " JYP rolls his eyes. "You know sugarplum, if you put one o...

Why is JYP losing the views-battle?

JYP joins his bros with a martini in his hand. "'Sup? " He asks casually. Bang Hyunk Suk & YG give each other alook. "Who's this? " BHS utters to YG. "Just someone from the 20M club over there" YG says & turns his back to JYP. BHS & YG start chatting animatedly. "Bros.. " JYP wails. _________ "Damn, is it nice to be back in the 10 M club or what? " JYP utters cheerfully & sits somewhere overlooking the '30 M club'. SM gives him the skank eye & turns to chat with the Cube pd nim. JYP pouts & starts drinking his martini dejectedly while staring longingly at the '30M club' !

Why TWICE DTNA comeback felt rushed

JYP reading naver, finds that Blackpink has broken Twice's record! His hand shoots to his chest & clutches it. As he feels shivers run down his spine, he shakily drags himself out of his office room at the top of the new building. Exactly 7 mins & 48 sec later, sleeping Twice are woken up by a shrill squeal. "Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo get yo sleeping a$$es up. We comin back" JYP squeals while stomping his foot on the floor. Nayeon rubs her sleepy eyes and utters in shock. "JYP? What the-" "Whatchu mean we comin back? "Sleepy Tzuyu asks & slowly sinks back in to sleep. "It means we gonna get YG's sorry a$$ for making pinkpunk comeback with dat bop yo! Get your last year's halloween costumes & your pocari Sweat beach wear-" "We ain't getting new clothes? -" "No you ain't. We filmin the mv tonight" "Do we have a song-" "No we don't. I'll be makin it...


YG casually sips his cocktail & slowly appraises Bang PD sitting next to him @ the Gangnam bar! "I accept the challenge!" YG utters Bang PD-nim takes a sip of his own Martini & carefully observes the man who he hasn't uttered a single word, in his life. "Friday release?" he asks YG says nothing & stares back at Bang PD nim. "Friday release it is then!" Bang PD nim utters & gets up. "It's a bet. " YG says, determination evident in his tone. Bang PD stops his eyeballs fromrolling in to their sockets with effort. "Good luck." He says to YG. "It's not a competition. Besides, 34 M is quite a target" He pats YG's tensed back &leaves. "We're gonna get it" YG mutters after him! ----------------- ¥ A week later ¥ YG slips a $10 note to Bang PD nim & curses under his breath! "Damn I should of streamed more! " ------------------ ¥ Two weeks late...


Y'all, this is some imaginary shiz off the top of ma head that post on AKP. I dinnt wanna lose my precious fanfics! Mods deleted some of em. So I'm creating an archive of sorts! Hopefully somebody will rediscover these in 3422 in a dystopian future and relive the ancient glory thru these!